Anak kami pun bahagia dengan kehidupan mereka masing-masing, dan kami juga merasa bangga dan bahagia dengan mereka.
Beberapa tahun yang lalu, putriku menikah, pihak pria memberi mahar hampir 500 juta rupiah, dan suasana pernikahan juga sangat meriah.
Tetangga kiri kanan bahkan merasa iri, katanya kami benar-benar beruntung dan pasti bahagia nantinya memilliki menantu yang kaya.
Meskipun dia menikah dengan keluarga yang mapan, tapi saya dan suami tetap memberikan sedikit pegangan untuk putri kami, takut dia tertindas di keluarga baru.
Pada tahun kedua pernikahan putri kami. Putra kami pun mengajak pacarnya ke rumah dan mengatakan akan menikah.
Gadis itu lumayan baik menurut saya, mereka juga sudah pacaran selama beberapa tahun.
Tapi ketika berbicara tentang pernikahan, keluarga si gadis mengharuskan punya satu rumah, dan sebuah mobil baru akan menikahkan putrinya dengan putraku.
Aku dan suami mana punya tabungan untuk membeli rumah dan mobil, sama saja dengan mencekik leher kami.
Tapi kami juga tak berdaya, karena putra kami bersikeras akan menikah dengannya.
Dengan terpaksa saya dan suami pun menjual warung makan kami, dan meminjam sedikit uang sama saudara untuk tambahan.
Pada hari pernikahan, putra saya berlutut dan menuangkan teh untuk saya, dan sambil menangis ia berkata akan berbakti pada kami, orangtuanya, dan akan sering-sering menjenguk kami, ia juga berharap agar kami bisa ke rumah baru mereka dan menginap beberapa hari.
Saya pikir yang penting mereka hidup bahagia, itu juga sudah cukup bagi kami, selaku orangtuanya.
Beberapa hari yang lalu, nyeri di pinggang suami kembali kumat, dan menjalani rawat inap di rumah sakit.
Menghadapi biaya pengobatan yang tinggi, saya pun menelepon anak-anak, tapi tak disangka, mereka hanya memberiku beragam alasan.
Dan tanpa bisa ditahan mata saya pun berlinang, sambil membayangkan betapa dengan susah payahnya kami, ayah-ibunya membiayai sekolah mereka berdua.
Sekarang ayah mereka sakit dan butuh biaya, namun tak satu pun dari mereka yang bisa diharapkan.
Akhirnya, setelah mengalaminya sendiri, baru saya sadari, bagaimana pun juga lebih baik menabung uang untuk keperluan diri sendiri, apalagi menjelang senja, sementara mereka (anak-anak)
An investment property loan is a cash credit obtained for the purpose of purchasing a residential or commercial property wherein the property buyer plans to make an ongoing or long-term profit in the future. The money granted as loan may be used to purchase a vacation property, a piece of land, condominium unit, upper fixer property, apartment, single-family house and a single detached house. However, the money granted as loan cannot be used for other business purposes. There are three major types of investment loans, and they are those that require collateral, those that need a big down payment (higher than 20 percent) to get lower interest rates and the ones that either require the investor to pay the down payment cash or only a part of it.
What are the loan requirements?To be able to obtain an investment property loan, you need to have a good credit score, enough cash reserve to make payments during months when your investment property has no income, at least 20 percent down payment, proof of income and most of all the property that you wish to purchase must pass the property appraisal. For those who do not have a very good credit score, there is still chance for you to get approval. You may consider getting an investment partner who has a very good credit rating. If you wish to get an investment property loan, it is important to strengthen your credit rating at least six months before your loan application. Paying off delinquent debts and closing old accounts only before getting a loan might negatively affect your chances for loan approval. If you have a low credit score, it is most helpful to get professional advice before you do any kind of measures.
What is the process of getting an investment property loan?Assuming that you have already strengthened your credit score as a preliminary step, the first step is to aggressively shop around for lenders and compare their interest rates before making a decision. Aside from interest rates as your major consideration in choosing a lender, also scrutinize their lending requirements because there are some lenders that are less stringent than others. Then, file your application and you will be asked for your personal information such as your employer's name and address, your social security number and many more. After you complete the application process, a verification process will be performed by the bank or lender. They will check your credit score and perform an income evaluation. After you pass the verification, the lender will check if you can afford to make a substantial down payment which would be around 20-35 percent depending on the lender you've chosen. Applying for investment property loans nowadays have become more strict compared to before, and to get approval you don't only need enough down payment and proof of your excellent credit record, you also have to choose a property that is worth your investment property loan and that will be profitable in the future.